Visually impaired persons

Arkadia is actively seeking to make its tours accessible to as many people as possible.
We propose a series of original, multi-sensory tours for groups of blind and visually impaired visitors.
Tours are adapted to include tactile aids, such as relief drawings, musical extracts, and sometimes tastings...

To ensure a pleasant and enriching experience, we limit group size to a maximum of 16 people (including accompanying persons).

Our guides are trained by our partner Eqla Asbl.

The tours have been developed with the support of and Bruxelles Environnement.


Le Parc Tournay-Solvay / PDV +

Situé en lisière de la forêt de Soignes, le parc Tournay-Solvay compte parmi les plus beaux parcs de Bruxelles. Un château de style néo-Renaissance flamande y fut construit en 1878 par Ernest Solvay qui était alors propriétaire du domaine. Aujourd'hui, cet édifice est une ruine romantique assaillie par la végétation, qui participe au charme incontestable du parc.

Parks & gardens Heritage