Accessible visits for wheelchair users

Arkadia makes an effort to provide tours which are accessible to as many people as possible. Here is a series of original tours adapted for people with reduced mobility, focusing on different themes or particular insights.

To ensure a pleasant and rewarding experience, we limit the group size to a maximum of 15 people.

These tours have been made possible in part thanks to the support of and Bruxelles Environnement.


© Thibaut de Lestré

Art Pops - Belfius Art Gallery +

Nouvelle exposition, nouvelles émotions. Art Pops vous invite à une immersion artistique surprenante au cœur de la Belfius Art Collection. Oubliez la visite classique et vivez l'art plus intensément !
Écoutez, sentez, touchez… et ressentez une connexion encore plus forte avec chaque œuvre. Découvrez des œuvres de Peter de Cupere, Aurélie Gravas, Luc Tuymans, Constant Permeke, Jenny Montigny, René Magritte, Kristof Santy, Jane Graverol, Paul Delvaux, Louise Delanghe, Georges Collignon, Henri met de Bles et tant d'autres.

Contemporary art Exhibitions
© © Karin Vermeire


The House of European History, created in 2017, is located in the Leopold Park, in the heart of the European district of Brussels. The House of European History aims to become the leading museum about transnational phenomena which have shaped our continent. By interpreting history from a European...

Exhibitions Europe Histoire