Quiz about Bruxelles
- Durée :
- 3 hours
- Type
- Group tours
- Guided tours and activities for companies
- Catégorie(s)
- Rallyes interactifs
You think you know all the recesses in Brussels city centre? Well, we are not so sure…In teams, with a roadbook in hand, you will step back in time and tackle Brussels city center!
On the agenda: observation – enigmas - brain storming - a light tasting of sweets - challenges
In places such as the most beautiful square in the world (according to Victor Hugo), remains of city walls, of prestigious or historically important constructions…To have fun, to tighten relations between colleagues and discover a part of the known and unknown history of Brussels city center…
Once the roadbook is completed and checked, the guide will present you with one last enigma to be solved in teams!