Tour et Taxis : Investigate +
- Durée :
- 3 hours
- Type
- Group tours
- Guided tours and activities for companies
- Catégorie(s)
- Rallyes interactifs
- Meeting point :
Tour & Taxis – Dépôt Royal (accueil)
Avenue du Port 86C
1000 Bruxelles
Something odd has happened at Tour &Taxis, and the investigators need your help to shed light on this case. During this investigation, you will have to find clues, solve enigmas, tap into your observation skills and your ability to deduce, all this on the massive site of Tour &Taxis. Your investigation will lead you to discover historical anecdotes and little-known places on a site with an impressive industrial heritage. Are you ready to tackle Tour &Taxis ? Ready to solve the mystery ? Drop your alibi, you don't need one to book!
Option : Investigation + drink
Practical information :
Takes place both indoors and outdoors
Maximum 100 participants
Available 7/7 (except during on-site events)
Languages : FR - NL - EN