Tours for school

Arkadia has a team of guide-facilitators specialized in dealing with young people.

We offer a range of guided school visits, suitable for young people from primary schools youngsters to higher education students.

In addition to the guided tours, Arkadia also offers a range of interactive rallies to be carried out with questionnaires based on games and quizzes, all created by us.

Discover our program below!

© © Karin Vermeire


The House of European History, created in 2017, is located in the Leopold Park, in the heart of the European district of Brussels. The House of European History aims to become the leading museum about transnational phenomena which have shaped our continent. By interpreting history from a European...

Exhibitions Europe Histoire


This visit is only available in French and Dutch.

Parks & gardens
© © Arkadia

Rally – European area

Starting from the Cinquantenaire site, this tour will take you throughout nearly a century of history before reaching the European Parliament, which above all symbolizes the extraordinary transformation of Brussels into the capital of Europe. We will examine the settlement impact of its institutions...

Rallyes interactifs Contemporary architecture Europe Rallyes

Rallye : l'Art dans le métro +

Les stations de métro ne font pas l’objet de beaucoup d’attention de la part des voyageurs. Elles recèlent cependant de nombreuses surprises et petites merveilles.

Par équipe, partez à la découverte du métro bruxellois et de ces nombreuses œuvres d'art. Vous serez amenez à résoudre des énigmes, à...

Interiors Heritage

Street Art +

Round the corner of a street, on a wall or on a façade, urban art creations are blooming about everywhere. But why? By whom? How? This guided tour will attempt to answer these questions and will allow young people to improve their knowledge and understanding of this modern art, which keeps evolving...

PECA Art Brussels, city of art Street art

Tour & Taxis and his history +

The old industrial area of Tour en Taxis, consisting of warehouses, offices and a gigantic station housed in a large hall built at the beginning of the 20th century, was disaffected in 1987 and partially restored since 2001 to accommodate businesses, restaurants and major cultural events. The site...

PECA Industrial architecture Art nouveau Heritage

Visites combinées : BELvue + Coudenberg +

Cette visite emmènera vos élèves à la découverte de deux lieux emblématiques bruxellois.

La découverte du musée BELvue : 

Depuis le 21 juillet 2016, le BELvue vous propose de découvrir la Belgique et son histoire à travers 7 thèmes : démocratie, prospérité, solidarité, pluralisme, migrations...

Exhibitions Heritage