Bellum & Artes (gratuit) +

Durée :
1 hour
  • Group tours
  • Accessible visits for wheelchair users
Meeting point :

Maison de l'Histoire Européenne
135 rue Belliard
1000 Bruxelles

Lieu de fin de visite


"Bellum et Artes explores the Thirty Years' War, an early large-scale conflict in Europe through the warring parties’ strategic employment of the arts as a military propaganda tool and to accentuate their power. It goes on to demonstrate the impact of works of art as ‘ambassadors of peace’. The migration of artists and the displacement of artistic treasures during this period are subjects which can be analysed through interactive media stations. Furthermore, Bellum et Artes delves into the struggle for peace, illuminating political schemes and the genesis of legal and political principles that continue to have relevance today."

Reservations for groups are required and can be made directly on the website of the House of European History.